Wednesday 27 February 2013


Receiving that message from Kintan broke my heart, I replied immediately with - He saved me fool.

Dear Kintan,
The camel’s back just broke.
Your’s seriously,

For me this was the height of it all, I wasn’t taking anymore of Kintan’s rubbish. The source of my boldness I couldn’t fathom; I have decided to move on with my life. After all CIO is available anytime I need him so why wait for one idiot that isn’t sure about himself talk less of me. I spent Val’s day with CIO at Coral blue after work, it was fun all through. I mean how easy can life be, I have a man that adores me, I have a job that speaks for me and I have the beauty of a river goddess…. LOL, minus the river goddess look.

On Saturday CIO and I went out at noon; this days I don’t ask where to as it always ends up as a pleasant surprise. We drove all the way down to Ojodu Berger, I thought it was his friend’s wedding initially until we got to a compound with a brown gate and there was no party.

Many things began to race through my mind, like maybe it was just a naming ceremony, maybe it’s a get together by one of his friends, just maybe. When we walked into the living room of the house we were greeted by a peaceful aura, the chandelier were so pretty and they looked familiar, the seats and arrangement also looked familiar too but I couldn't say for sure where I had seen them before.

Just when CIO was going to announce our arrival a maid came out greeting him, I still couldn't make out what was going on, then an elderly woman came out and CIO lay prostrate to the floor greeting his mummy… YES he got me. He brought me to see his parents without me knowing. Ahn I’m so loving this guy.

The normal pleasantries between mother in-law to daughter in-law were exchanged, and we got joking about CIO's childhood and the funny stuffs he did. We sat for lunch when CIO’s dad walked in with his eldest grandson whose Kome’s younger sister boyfriend.

When we left CIO’s family home I was too excited, my dreams of getting engaged this year is coming through. Thank you Jesus

1 comment:

  1. Fiction or True? Tell me so I can be getting ready to shop rice o
