Monday 19 November 2012


Morolabi was looking so gorgeous, I couldn't take my eyes off her, her radiance and glow was catchy, everyone wanted a piece of her. My cousin Jaiye and Morolabi had been dating for three years until this day.

Jaiye's mum is the younger sibling of my dad, Jaiye’s mum aka "Aunt no-nonsense" couldn't stay still for a second; she was all over the place, checking on everything, her friends, the drinks, her in-laws. I wasn't surprised she was restless, not because it’s her son’s wedding, but because I had seen my mum pace over the whole place during Dayo’s wedding, my dad had to practically shun her to stop and enjoyed my elder brother wedding.

As part of the bride’s maid I had a clear view of everything happening at the wedding. Brides maids sat beside the couple. It was nice to see that Jaiye was finally getting married to Morolabi, though her family posed some threats to the marriage because of Jaiye’s estranged relationship with his dad. It wasn't like it was Jaiye’s fault at all. Jaiye had tried all he could to mend the broken relationship his parents had but it wasn't working even though he still tried again for the sake of his marriage. Morolabi's family used the fact that Jaiye’s father wasn't present during the introduction (Momi mo e) to lay emphasis that there is a possibility that Jaiye might act the same, since he had the same blood running in his veins. 

Jaiye’s mum "Aunt no-nonsense" quickly shunned Morolabi’s father, not minding that his a man, she made him understand that though his biological dad wasn’t present, there were men who are witnesses that the poor “boy” wasn't a bastard and this men present at the introduction had taken care for Jaiye without his father all this years and they deserves to drink now that he wants to sit in the table of men. It took the grace of God for Morolabi to be given to Jaiye, Morolabi’s father insulted Aunt no nonsense, telling my Aunt that her altitude is the reason her husband couldn't stay with her, and I began to ask myself, was it that they had an issue before or was it just their normal way to delay things and not make them look easy in giving away their daughter?. When both families finally came to an agreement about the date and the list of stuffs they needed for the Traditional marriage proper. I gave a breath of relieve because it took them more than three hours to settle their difference minus the hours spent on other things before then.

The white wedding came with a shock of its own. That’s a story for another day. But I have a question, if neither one’s father nor his family was there for one, can't one call the man who was present in his/her life father and move on????

Please feel free to leave your comment as they will be highly appreciated. 


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