Tuesday 10 December 2013


Designer Creates 12 Shoes Each Representing His Former Lovers

Shoe No 1 'Honey' Natasha - who was so nice he broke up with her

New York-based Chilean designer Sebastian Errazuriz reveals a glimpse of each relationship through his wearable Shoe Sculptures, which are accompanied by personal photos and stories.

From the frosty 'Ice Queen' Sophie to the sweet 'Honey' Natasha and 'The Boss' Rachel, the 28-year-old recreates those past relationships -- some meaningful, and some fleeting flings. From the frosty 'Ice Queen' Sophie to the sweet 'Honey' Natasha and 'The Boss' Rachel, the 28-year-old recreates those past relationships -- some meaningful, and some fleeting flings.

'When I started this process I never imagined where it would end up, it’s been infinitely more complex, revealing and difficult than I thought,' Mr Errazuriz explains on his blog, 12 Shoes for 12 Lovers. The 12-part series is a documentation of love, relationships, and personal vulnerability, where he leaves the shoe -- and story -- of his great love until last.

The artist starts with shoe number, a yellow wedge made out of mesh to resemble honeycomb for 'Honey' Natasha 'She had a crazy body. We f***ed. She cooked. She cleaned up. When I fell asleep she left me a cookie by the bed, drew a little heart on my wall and quietly drove home. 'I couldn't get used to being treated so nicely,' Mr Errazuriz explains, admitting that he broke up with her.

Shoe number 2 is designed after 'Cry Baby' Alexandra who slept with the artist to get over a breaking up with her 'asshole boyfriend'

Shoe No 3, "Gold Digger" Alison

Shoe N0 4 tells the story of 'Heart Breaker' Laura, who broke the artist's heart, marrying someone else

Shoe No 5, "Ice Queen" Sophie

Shoe No 6, "Hot Bitch" Carolina
Shoe no 8 who earned the artist disapproving looks from women, but envious looks from men

Shoe No 7, "The Virgin" Anna

Shoe number seven, for 'The Virgin' Anna, is a white wedge with the Virgin Mary as the shoe's heels. Unaware that she was a virgin, the artist turned to her after sex and said: 'Ahh, good right?' She replied: 'Ehm, yea, I don't know, first time.' 'Last I heard of her Francisco told me she was considering becoming an Opus Dei nun. I'm sure I sucked; but a nun? that's a bit drastic,' he writes.

Shoe No 8, "Jet setter" Jessica

Shoe No 9, "The Boss" Rachael

Shoe No 10, "GI Jane" Barbara

Shoe number ten, a green pump with a small toy soldier at the toe, was influenced by 'GI Jane' Barbara. The 'wild daughter' of a Colonel, Barbara and Mr Errazuriz were caught by police having sex in his father's family SUV one night. 'I was taken out of the car naked while pointed down with a machine gun. . . She eventually convinced the police to call her father who quickly used his rank to avoid us from getting arrested. 'Fearing what her frighteningly dangerous father could do to me afterwards, I decided to act brave and hide myself from him for a little while.' According to the artist, he is 'Still hiding'

Shoe No 11, "The Ghost" Valentina"

Shoe number 11, which is made purely of white wire, is dedicated to 'The Ghost' Valentina, a woman he loved 'a little'. A local girl at a small seas side town, the artist describes her as beautiful in a 'wild and weird' way.' She appeared randomly in front of my cabin door and spent the night with me. It was almost electric,' Mr Errazuriz explains.

'She continued to visit me that summer. I never knew from where she came or where she had to go after. She just floated in and out freely with a strange aura that made you feel she was here with you but also elsewhere. 'At night I would hold her tight, trying to somehow keep her with me. By the end of the summer, I made her promise she would come and visit me. She never did. 

'I saw her one day many many years later, she looked older but as wild and beautiful as always. She grinned back at me while holding a tanned beautiful kid with the same crazy hair.'

Shoe No 12, "The Rock" Alice

Resembling something from an Alexander McQueen collection, shoe number 12 is 'The Rock' Alice. 'She knew we would be together long before I ever did,' Mr Errazuriz writes. 'She also knew we would eventually break although I always wanted to believe otherwise. 'None of us knew it would be so much shorter. I loved her so much. Always will.'

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