Monday 29 October 2012


Excuse me father this is a bar
I just need to use your convenience that’s all or is that too much to ask?
This way sir, the ushers pointed to the priest
Thank you replied the priest
About entering the toilet to download the files he had been carrying around for six hours, the priest was stopped by a girl who asked for a drink and he thought he had seen at the convert
“Father can I get a drink asked the girl
My daughter I will get you a cup full when am through helping myself
No father, you say love, why don’t u get me the drink first, then ease yourself of every inconvenience later…the priest dashed off to the bar section and asked for a drink, the bar attendant gave him a cup full, the girl immediately shoved the drink away asking for a full bottle and the girl was handed over a Smirnoff Vodka. The father paid thinking it was water bottled up.

The priest hurried away to the toilet and the girl trailed along, she waited outside the toilet for him. Immediately the priest stepped out the girl asked for juice to blend with the vodka, and the priest began to wonder what kind of water needs to be diluted with juice…not wanting to interfere with her business, he got her a juice and the girl finally asked him to keep him to take a drink, as he must be thirsty.

Father sat down, took a drink….10mins later father had ordered for another bottle and by 3am he was on his way home with his “nun”. By the morning father woke up shocked to see himself disvirgined by a nun girl indeed.



  1. so whats the message?

    is this supposed to be a joke or a moral lesson?

  2. a joke of some sort...just my mischievous imagination
